Source code for celltypist.samples

import os
from anndata import AnnData
from typing import Optional, Union
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

_samples_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "data", "samples")

def _get_sample_data(filename: str) -> str:
    """Get the full path to the sample input data included in the package."""
    return os.path.join(_samples_path, filename)

def get_sample_csv() -> str:
    Get the full path to the sample csv file included in the package.

        A string of the full path to the sample csv file (`sample_cell_by_gene.csv`).
    return _get_sample_data("sample_cell_by_gene.csv")

[docs] def downsample_adata(adata: AnnData, mode: str = 'total', n_cells: Optional[int] = None, by: Optional[str] = None, balance_cell_type: bool = False, random_state: int = 0, return_index: bool = True) -> Union[AnnData, np.ndarray]: """ Downsample cells to a given number (either in total or per cell type). Parameters ---------- adata An :class:`~anndata.AnnData` object representing the input data. mode The way downsampling is performed. Default to downsampling the input cells to a total of `n_cells`. Set to `'each'` if you want to downsample cells within each cell type to `n_cells`. (Default: `'total'`) n_cells The total number of cells (`mode = 'total'`) or the number of cells from each cell type (`mode = 'each'`) to sample. For the latter, all cells from a given cell type will be selected if its cell number is fewer than `n_cells`. by Key (column name) of the input AnnData representing the cell types. balance_cell_type Whether to balance the cell type frequencies when `mode = 'total'`. Setting to `True` will sample rare cell types with a higher probability, ensuring close-to-even cell type compositions. This argument is ignored if `mode = 'each'`. (Default: `False`) random_state Random seed for reproducibility. return_index Only return the downsampled cell indices. Setting to `False` if you want to get a downsampled version of the input AnnData. (Default: `True`) Returns ---------- Depending on `return_index`, returns the downsampled cell indices or a subset of the input AnnData. """ np.random.seed(random_state) if n_cells is None: raise ValueError( f"🛑 Please provide `n_cells`") if mode == 'total': if n_cells >= adata.n_obs: raise ValueError( f"🛑 `n_cells` ({n_cells}) should be fewer than the total number of cells ({adata.n_obs})") if balance_cell_type: if by is None: raise KeyError( f"🛑 Please specify the cell type column if you want to balance the cell type frequencies") labels = adata.obs[by] celltype_freq = np.unique(labels, return_counts = True) len_celltype = len(celltype_freq[0]) mapping = pd.Series(1 / (celltype_freq[1]*len_celltype), index = celltype_freq[0]) p = mapping[labels].values sampled_cell_index = np.random.choice(adata.n_obs, n_cells, replace = False, p = p) else: sampled_cell_index = np.random.choice(adata.n_obs, n_cells, replace = False) elif mode == 'each': if by is None: raise KeyError( f"🛑 Please specify the cell type column for downsampling") celltypes = np.unique(adata.obs[by]) sampled_cell_index = np.concatenate([np.random.choice(np.where(adata.obs[by] == celltype)[0], min([n_cells, np.sum(adata.obs[by] == celltype)]), replace = False) for celltype in celltypes]) else: raise ValueError( f"🛑 Unrecognized `mode` value, should be one of `'total'` or `'each'`") if return_index: return sampled_cell_index else: return adata[sampled_cell_index].copy()