Source code for celltypist.models

import os
import pathlib
import json
import pickle
import requests
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from typing import Optional, Union
from scipy.special import expit
from sklearn import __version__ as skv
from . import logger
from .samples import _get_sample_data

#create ~/.celltypist (or folder specified by the environment variable $CELLTYPIST_FOLDER) and subdirs
celltypist_path = os.getenv('CELLTYPIST_FOLDER', default = os.path.join(str(pathlib.Path.home()), '.celltypist'))
pathlib.Path(celltypist_path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
data_path = os.path.join(celltypist_path, "data")
models_path = os.path.join(data_path, "models")
pathlib.Path(models_path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

def _collapse_mean(arr: np.ndarray) -> Union[float, np.ndarray]:
    For internal use. Average 1D array, or 2D array by row.
    return np.mean(arr, axis = -1)

def _collapse_random(arr: np.ndarray) -> Union[float, np.ndarray]:
    For internal use. Choose a random number from 1D array, or a random column from 2D array.
    return np.random.choice(arr, 1)[0] if arr.ndim == 1 else arr[:, np.random.choice(arr.shape[1], 1)[0]]

def _requests_get(url: str, timeout = 30):
    For internal use. Make a request and raise errors (including timeout error) if it fails.
        r = requests.get(url, timeout = timeout)
    except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
        raise Exception(
                f"🛑 Cannot fetch '{url}', the error is: {e}")
    return r

[docs] class Model(): """ Class that wraps the logistic Classifier and the StandardScaler. Parameters ---------- clf A logistic Classifier incorporated in the loaded model. scaler A StandardScaler incorporated in the loaded model. description Description of the model as a dictionary. Attributes ---------- classifier The logistic Classifier incorporated in the loaded model. scaler The StandardScaler incorporated in the loaded model. description Description of the loaded model. """ def __init__(self, clf, scaler, description): self.classifier = clf self.scaler = scaler self.description = description
[docs] @staticmethod def load(model: Optional[str] = None): """ Load the desired model. Parameters ---------- model Model name specifying the model you want to load. Default to `'Immune_All_Low.pkl'` if not provided. To see all available models and their descriptions, use :func:`~celltypist.models.models_description`. Returns ---------- :class:`~celltypist.models.Model` A :class:`~celltypist.models.Model` object. """ if not model: model = get_default_model() if '/' not in model and model in get_all_models(): model = get_model_path(model) if not os.path.isfile(model): raise FileNotFoundError( f"🛑 No such file: {model}") with open(model, "rb") as fh: try: pkl_obj = pickle.load(fh) return Model(pkl_obj['Model'], pkl_obj['Scaler_'], pkl_obj['description']) except Exception as exception: raise Exception( f"🛑 Invalid model: {model}. {exception}")
@property def cell_types(self) -> np.ndarray: """Get cell types included in the model.""" return self.classifier.classes_ @property def features(self) -> np.ndarray: """Get genes included in the model.""" return self.classifier.features def __repr__(self): base = f"CellTypist model with {len(self.cell_types)} cell types and {len(self.features)} features" for x in ['date', 'details', 'source', 'version']: if self.description[x] != '': base += f"\n {x}: {self.description[x]}" if len(self.cell_types) == 2: base += f"\n cell types: {self.cell_types[0]}, {self.cell_types[1]}\n features: {self.features[0]}, {self.features[1]}, ..., {self.features[-1]}" elif len(self.cell_types) == 3: base += f"\n cell types: {self.cell_types[0]}, {self.cell_types[1]}, {self.cell_types[2]}\n features: {self.features[0]}, {self.features[1]}, ..., {self.features[-1]}" else: base += f"\n cell types: {self.cell_types[0]}, {self.cell_types[1]}, ..., {self.cell_types[-1]}\n features: {self.features[0]}, {self.features[1]}, ..., {self.features[-1]}" return base
[docs] def predict_labels_and_prob(self, indata, mode: str = 'best match', p_thres: float = 0.5) -> tuple: """ Get the decision matrix, probability matrix, and predicted cell types for the input data. Parameters ---------- indata The input array-like object used as a query. mode The way cell prediction is performed. For each query cell, the default (`'best match'`) is to choose the cell type with the largest score/probability as the final prediction. Setting to `'prob match'` will enable a multi-label classification, which assigns 0 (i.e., unassigned), 1, or >=2 cell type labels to each query cell. (Default: `'best match'`) p_thres Probability threshold for the multi-label classification. Ignored if `mode` is `'best match'`. (Default: 0.5) Returns ---------- tuple A tuple of decision score matrix, raw probability matrix, and predicted cell type labels. """ if skv.split('.')[0] != '0' and isinstance(indata, np.matrix): scores = self.classifier.decision_function(np.asarray(indata)) else: scores = self.classifier.decision_function(indata) if len(self.cell_types) == 2: scores = np.column_stack([-scores, scores]) probs = expit(scores) if mode == 'best match': return scores, probs, self.classifier.classes_[scores.argmax(axis=1)] elif mode == 'prob match': flags = probs > p_thres labs = np.array(['|'.join(self.classifier.classes_[np.where(x)[0]]) for x in flags]) labs[labs == ''] = 'Unassigned' return scores, probs, labs else: raise ValueError( f"🛑 Unrecognized `mode` value, should be one of `'best match'` or `'prob match'`")
[docs] def write(self, file: str) -> None: """Write out the model.""" obj = dict(Model = self.classifier, Scaler_ = self.scaler, description = self.description) file = os.path.splitext(file)[0] + '.pkl' with open(file, 'wb') as output: pickle.dump(obj, output)
[docs] def extract_top_markers(self, cell_type: str, top_n: int = 10, only_positive: bool = True) -> np.ndarray: """ Extract the top driving genes for a given cell type. Parameters ---------- cell_type The cell type to extract markers for. top_n Number of markers to extract for a given cell type. (Default: 10) only_positive Whether to extract positive markers only. Set to `False` to include negative markers as well. (Default: `True`) Returns ---------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` A list of marker genes for the query cell type. """ if cell_type not in self.cell_types: raise ValueError( f"🛑 '{cell_type}' is not found. Please provide a valid cell type name") if len(self.cell_types) == 2: coef_vector = self.classifier.coef_[0] if cell_type == self.cell_types[1] else -self.classifier.coef_[0] else: coef_vector = self.classifier.coef_[self.cell_types == cell_type][0] if not only_positive: coef_vector = np.abs(coef_vector) return self.features[np.argsort(-coef_vector)][:top_n]
[docs] def convert(self, map_file: Optional[str] = None, sep: str = ',', convert_from: Optional[int] = None, convert_to: Optional[int] = None, unique_only: bool = True, collapse: str = 'average', random_state: int = 0) -> None: """ Convert the model of one species to another species by mapping orthologous genes. Note that when provided with a custom map file, this method can be used to convert genes in the model to other formats (orthologous genes, Ensembl IDs, HGNC IDs, etc.). Parameters ---------- map_file A two-column gene mapping file between two species. Default to a human-mouse (mouse-human) conversion using the built-in mapping file provided by CellTypist. sep Delimiter of the mapping file. Default to comma (i.e., a csv file is by default expected from the user if provided). convert_from Column index (0 or 1) of the mapping file corresponding to the species converted from. Default to an automatic detection. convert_to Column index (0 or 1) of the mapping file corresponding to the species converted to. Default to an automatic detection. unique_only Whether to leverage only 1:1 orthologs between the two species. (Default: `True`) collapse The way 1:N orthologs are handled. Possible values are `'average'` which averages the classifier weights and `'random'` which randomly chooses one gene's weights from all its orthologs. This argument is ignored if `unique_only = True`. (Default: `'average'`) random_state Random seed for reproducibility. This argument is only relevant if `unique_only = False` and `collapse = 'random'`. Returns ---------- None The original model is modified by converting to the other species. """ map_file = _get_sample_data('Ensembl105_Human2Mouse_Genes.csv') if map_file is None else map_file if not os.path.isfile(map_file): try_file = _get_sample_data(map_file) if not os.path.isfile(try_file): raise FileNotFoundError( f"🛑 No such file: {map_file}") map_file = try_file #with and without headers are both ok -> real headers become fake genes and are removed afterwards map_content = pd.read_csv(map_file, sep = sep, header = None) map_content.dropna(axis = 0, inplace = True) map_content.drop_duplicates(inplace = True) #From & To detection if (convert_from is None) and (convert_to is None): column1_overlap = map_content[0].isin(self.features).sum() column2_overlap = map_content[1].isin(self.features).sum() convert_from = 0 if column1_overlap > column2_overlap else 1 convert_to = 1 - convert_from elif convert_from is None: if convert_to not in [0, 1]: raise ValueError( f"🛑 `convert_to` should be either 0 or 1") convert_from = 1 - convert_to elif convert_to is None: if convert_from not in [0, 1]: raise ValueError( f"🛑 `convert_from` should be either 0 or 1") convert_to = 1 - convert_from else: if {convert_from, convert_to} != {0, 1}: raise ValueError( f"🛑 `convert_from` and `convert_to` should be 0 (or 1) and 1 (or 0)") #filter map_content = map_content[map_content[convert_from].isin(self.features)] if unique_only: map_content.drop_duplicates([0], inplace=True, keep=False) map_content.drop_duplicates([1], inplace=True, keep=False) map_content['index_from'] = pd.DataFrame(self.features, columns=['features']).reset_index().set_index('features').loc[map_content[convert_from], 'index'].values #main"🧬 Number of genes in the original model: {len(self.features)}") features_to = map_content[convert_to].values if unique_only else np.unique(map_content[convert_to]) if unique_only: index_from = map_content['index_from'].values self.classifier.coef_ = self.classifier.coef_[:, index_from] self.scaler.mean_ = self.scaler.mean_[index_from] self.scaler.var_ = self.scaler.var_[index_from] self.scaler.scale_ = self.scaler.scale_[index_from] else: if collapse not in ['average', 'random']: raise ValueError( f"🛑 Unrecognized `collapse` value, should be one of `'average'` or `'random'`") if collapse == 'random': np.random.seed(random_state) collapse_func = _collapse_mean if collapse == 'average' else _collapse_random coef_to = [] mean_to = [] var_to = [] scale_to = [] for feature_to in features_to: index_from = map_content[map_content[convert_to] == feature_to].index_from.values if len(index_from) == 1: coef_to.append(self.classifier.coef_[:, index_from[0]]) mean_to.append(self.scaler.mean_[index_from[0]]) var_to.append(self.scaler.var_[index_from[0]]) scale_to.append(self.scaler.scale_[index_from[0]]) else: coef_to.append(collapse_func(self.classifier.coef_[:, index_from])) mean_to.append(collapse_func(self.scaler.mean_[index_from])) var_to.append(collapse_func(self.scaler.var_[index_from])) scale_to.append(collapse_func(self.scaler.scale_[index_from])) self.classifier.coef_ = np.column_stack(coef_to) self.scaler.mean_ = np.array(mean_to) self.scaler.var_ = np.array(var_to) self.scaler.scale_ = np.array(scale_to) self.classifier.n_features_in_ = len(features_to) self.classifier.features = features_to self.scaler.n_features_in_ = len(features_to)"✅ Conversion done! Number of genes in the converted model: {len(features_to)}")
def get_model_path(file: str) -> str: """ Get the full path to a file in the `models` folder. Parameters ---------- file File name as a string. To see all available models and their descriptions, use :func:`~celltypist.models.models_description`. Returns ---------- str A string of the full path to the desired file. """ return os.path.join(models_path, f"{file}") def get_default_model() -> str: """ Get the default model name. Returns ---------- str A string showing the default model name (should be `'Immune_All_Low.pkl'`). """ models_json = get_models_index() default_model = [m["filename"] for m in models_json["models"] if ("default" in m and m["default"])] if not default_model: first_model = models_json["models"][0]["filename"] logger.warn(f"👀 No model marked as 'default', using {first_model}") return first_model if len(default_model) > 1: logger.warn(f"👀 More than one model marked as 'default', using {default_model[0]}") return default_model[0] def get_all_models() -> list: """ Get a list of all the available models. Returns ---------- list A list of available models. """ download_if_required() available_models = [] for model_filename in os.listdir(models_path): if model_filename.endswith(".pkl"): model_name = os.path.basename(model_filename) available_models.append(model_name) return available_models def download_if_required() -> None: """Download models if there are none present in the `models` directory.""" if len([m for m in os.listdir(models_path) if m.endswith(".pkl")]) == 0:"🔎 No available models. Downloading...") download_models() def get_models_index(force_update: bool=False) -> dict: """ Get the model json object containing the model list. Parameters ---------- force_update If set to `True`, will download the latest model json file from the remote. (Default: `False`) Returns ---------- dict A dict object converted from the model json file. """ models_json_path = get_model_path("models.json") if not os.path.exists(models_json_path) or force_update: download_model_index() with open(models_json_path) as f: return json.load(f) def download_model_index(only_model: bool = True) -> None: """ Download the `models.json` file from the remote server. Parameters ---------- only_model If set to `False`, will also download the models in addition to the json file. (Default: `True`) """ url = ''"📜 Retrieving model list from server {url}") response = _requests_get(url) with open(get_model_path("models.json"), "wb") as f: f.write(response.content) model_count = len(response.json()["models"])"📚 Total models in list: {model_count}") if not only_model: download_models()
[docs] def download_models(force_update: bool=False, model: Optional[Union[str, list, tuple]] = None) -> None: """ Download all the available or selected models. Parameters ---------- force_update Whether to fetch a latest JSON index for downloading all available or selected models. Set to `True` if you want to parallel the latest celltypist model releases. (Default: `False`) model Specific model(s) to download. By default, all available models are downloaded. Set to a specific model name or a list of model names to only download a subset of models. For example, set to `["ModelA.pkl", "ModelB.pkl"]` to only download ModelA and ModelB. To check all available models, use :func:`~celltypist.models.models_description`. """ models_json = get_models_index(force_update)"📂 Storing models in {models_path}") if model is not None: model_list = {model} if isinstance(model, str) else set(model) models_json["models"] = [m for m in models_json["models"] if m["filename"] in model_list] provided_no = len(model_list) filtered_no = len(models_json["models"]) if filtered_no == 0: raise ValueError( f"🛑 No models match the celltypist model repertoire. Please provide valid model names") elif provided_no == filtered_no:"💾 Total models to download: {provided_no}") else: ignored_models = model_list.difference({m["filename"] for m in models_json["models"]}) logger.warn(f"💾 Total models to download: {filtered_no}. {len(ignored_models)} not available: {ignored_models}") model_count = len(models_json["models"]) for idx,model in enumerate(models_json["models"]): model_path = get_model_path(model["filename"]) if os.path.exists(model_path) and not force_update:"⏩ Skipping [{idx+1}/{model_count}]: {model['filename']} (file exists)") continue"💾 Downloading model [{idx+1}/{model_count}]: {model['filename']}") try: response = _requests_get(model["url"]) with open(model_path, "wb") as f: f.write(response.content) except Exception as exception: logger.error(f"🛑 {model['filename']} failed {exception}")
def models_description(on_the_fly: bool=False) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Get the descriptions of all available models. Parameters ---------- on_the_fly Whether to fetch the model information from downloaded model files. If set to `True`, will fetch the information by loading downloaded models. Default to fetching the information for all available models from the JSON file. (Default: `False`) Returns ---------- :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` A :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` object with model descriptions. """"👉 Detailed model information can be found at ``") if on_the_fly: filenames = get_all_models() descriptions = [Model.load(filename).description['details'] for filename in filenames] else: models_json = get_models_index() models = models_json["models"] filenames = [model['filename'] for model in models] descriptions = [model['details'] for model in models] return pd.DataFrame({'model': filenames, 'description': descriptions})